
Welcome to my commissions page. Below you can find all the info you need if you're interested in my work.

Note: all prices in CAD, please double check conversion to your currency

I currently only have 3 slots open at a time. I May be more relaxed with smaller things such as icons and sketches but no promises.If my queue is full feel free to still contact me for a quote so you can be prepared for when a slot opens :)

SlotsEstimated Time
Open SlotN/A
Open SlotN/A
Open SlotN/A

If you're unsure of any details surrounding pricing, feel free to message me for a quote :)

.Sketch + accentsClean lines + coloursSimple shadingExtra rendering
Tiny/simple$10 CAD$15 CAD$25 CADN/A
Symmetrical icon$10 CAD$15 CAD$20 CAD$25 CAD
Bust$15 CAD$20 CAD$25 CAD$30 CAD
Fullbody$25 CAD$35 CAD$50 CAD$65 CAD
Refsheet$100 CAD$160 CADN/AN/A

"Bust" is a cutoff around the chest area and can include hands."Refsheet" includes 2-3 fullbody views (front/back/side, clothed/unclothed, extra pose, your choice), 2-4 closeup expression busts, any number of eyes/mouth/pawpads/pattern/prop details, optional colour palate, optional space for bio, and an extra little simple shaped doodle. I'm also willing to add more fullbody views/closeup busts/etc for extra cost. Very up to discretion.


  • - Additional characters are +50% (Example, one tiny sketch is $10, two characters is $15)

  • - Complex/detailed designs (aka arthritis upcharge) +$5 for bust and below, +$10 for fullbody, +$20 for refsheet. "complexity" is up to my discretion. Does not apply to custom designs unless you specifically ask me to make them very complicated.

  • - Complex background details ranges +$5 to +$20, depending on complexity. (Example, detailed clouds, plants or flowers, rooms, etc.)- Complicated props +$10 per prop (Example, detailed/large weapons or tools, fancy clothes, plate of food. does not apply to sketches)

  • - Extra detail copy up to +25% (Example, versions of the same image with alternate expressions, different lighting, or versions with/without items that require redrawing parts of the piece like wings or clothing. copies with changes to a minor detail or parts that don't cover anything (like wings positioned behind the character) are free. Up to discretion. MUST BE DISCUSSED BEFORE OR DURING ROUGH SKETCH STAGE)

This portfolio is a WIP, eventually it will be separated into examples of each option for commission such as size (headshot, fullbody, refsheet) and finish (sketch, coloured, rendered)For now, it's just a big unorganized collection, enjoy!

TOS. PLEASE READ IN FULL.What I will draw:
- Mechs/robots
- Complex designs (may have small upcharge, depending on design)
- Pets, animals, bugs, monsters, fantasy creatures, original species, etc
- Real people (with written permission)
- Selfship
- Some gore/body horror
- Design a character for you
What I will not draw:
- Species/characters that you do not have permission to use
- NSFW (for now)
- Racist/ablest/transphobic caricatures
- Depictions of pedophilic/incest ships
- Anything else I don't want to draw! always ask if you're unsure
I may politely decline any character or design that I don't think I will be able to draw. This is not an insult to you, I just don't want to risk making a piece that isn't worth your money.What do you need
For existing characters:
- clear reference image
- description / doodle for any details not clear in reference (or say you're okay with me guessing)
- alternatively, detailed description of character
If you want me to design or redesign a character for you, you can give me:
- as much or as little information as you'd like.
- playlists
- moodboards
- colour palettes
- other characters for inspiration
- old designs for inspiration
- anything else you want a character based on
- I will start by making 2-3 very rough sketches
- You pick your favourite and I'll refine it and make thumbnails for lighting/backgrounds. You can make as many requests and feedback as you want at this stage.
- Once you're happy with it and I move on to finishing the piece, I can't do any changes other than small details or colour adjustments.
Payment Rules
I accept payment through Ko-fi, and sometimes Paypal if there's any issues with Ko-fi
I don't require payment upfront, but for commissions over 50$ I do ask for half of the payment once I show you the final sketch + thumbnails and you confirm there is nothing you want changed.After I receive payment, I start work on finishing the piece. Once I'm done, I'll show you the final piece (heavily watermarked). I'll give you the non watermarked version after I receive full payment.Important: The final non watermarked piece will still have a small, low opacity signature. Usually in a bottom corner. This is not a "watermarked version." this is the final piece. The signature will not be distracting or cover any details.With the final piece, you can:
- Print the image for personal (non commercial) use such as hanging it on your wall or making a sticker
- Post on a characters profile as a reference* (like artfight, toyhouse, whatever else)
- Post on social media*
- Use the drawing as an icon/banner for any social media*
- Edit the piece in any way you'd like and use it in any projects* (as long as the intention of the edit is not solely to remove my signature and nothing else. kinda rude.)
- Use as a custom emoji on discord/twitch*
*As long as there is proper credit/links to any of my socials clearly somewhere easy to find, like a description or bio. This is only if you're using my art anywhere publicly For situations like custom emoji where it's harder to have a link attached to the image, just make sure to mention me at some point or give credit if anyone asks who made them. use common sense.You cannot:
- Sell any products with my art or use my art to market/advertise a product
- Claim to be the artist
- Intentionally avoid crediting me
- Be generally shady! Don't try to get sneaky or find loopholes to be a jerk, if you're unsure if doing something is okay, ask! usually the answer is yes just because you asked! I really just don't want to be taken advantage of!
Selling characters:
You CAN sell a character or adopt that has my art as part of the deal, as long as I'm still credited somewhere. You can also sell a character that I designed for you if you have added at least one other piece of art/redesign to it's portfolio/profile. I do not appreciate anyone trying to pay me to design a character and then selling it as an adopt at a higher price without adding anything.

I can be contacted in a variety of ways! The best option for a quick response is to Email me at [email protected]You can also send me a DM through any of my social media platforms. I'm most likely to respond via Twitter as I get notifications for DMs, other platforms I may take days or weeks to see the message.If you prefer to communicate over a platform that is not Email or Twitter, still send me a notification with one of those so I can go find your message on whatever platform you want to use.